Registration number: 40003670522
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Darba apraksts
Pievienojies Concentrix Latvia uzņēmumam! 🚀
Darba apraksts
- Pilna cikla atlases procesa vadīšana
- Klātienes un attālinātu interviju vadīšana, izmantojot dažādus atlases rīkus un metodes
- Sadarbība ar vadītājiem, kas piedalās atlases procesā
- Palīdzēt ar kanditātu piesaiti, izmantojot dažādus kanālus, kā piemēram, sludinājumu portālus un sociālos tīklus
- Izmantot atlases (ATS) un personāla daļas (HRIS) sistēmu, kas paredzēta kandidātu datu apstrādei un kandidātu pieņemšanai darbā
- Sekot līdzi atlases procesa vadlīnijām un nodrošināt vienādus standartus visiem kandidātiem
- Strādāt pie personāla atlases procesa un darba devēja zīmola pilnveides
Mūsu prasības
- Vismaz 6 mēnešu pieredze līdzīgā amatā
- Ļoti labas krievu, latviešu un angļu valodas prasmes (intervijas tiek vadītas minētajās valodās atbilstoši klientu prasībām)
- Spēja izvērtēt prioritātes un patstāvīgi plānot savu darba laiku
- Labas prasmes darbā ar MS Office rīkiem
Mēs piedāvājam
- Atalgojumu sākot no 1583,- Euro / bruto
- Veselības apdrošināšanu (papildus: sports, zobārsts, ārstnieciskās masāžas)
- Iespēju strādāt no mājām vai arī no biroja, Rīgā (ar skatu uz Brīvības pieminekli)
- Atmaksātu ikmēneša telefona rēķinu (gan darba, gan privātais numurs)
- Fantastiskus kolēģus un pieredzi globālā uzņēmumā
Līgums: Uz noteiktu laiku, 6 mēneši no uzsākšanas brīža
Uzsākšanas datums: Pēc kandidāta pieejamības
Darba laiks: Pirmdiena - Piektdiena, no 09:00 līdz 17:30
Darba vieta: Rīga, Raiņa bulvāris 11, vai arī darbs no mājām
Mūsu atlases process: telefona intervija, intervija ar atlases komandas vadītāju (angļu valodā) un rekomendācija no iepriekšējā darba devēja. Ja tiks izteikts darba piedāvājums, kandidātam būs jāpasūta un jāuzrāda izziņa par nesodāmību.
Job description
Join Concentrix Latvia team! 🚀
As a Recruiter, you will be responsible for
- Conduct initial screening interviews, telephone interviews, and/or face-to-face interviews with prospective applicants
- Assist with recommendations to hiring manager on candidate hiring
- Support with candidate sourcing, using different channels such as social media and job platforms etc.
- Ensure the maintenance of accurate and concise records and reports concerning all phases of the recruitment process, working within the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and HRIS tools
- Maintain consistent standards for all applicants and ensure compliance with all local rules and regulations related to hiring and recruiting
- Promote the Company image to candidates and external service providers
To be a great fit for this role, you need to have
- Minimum 6 months experience in similar role
- Strong communication skills, both written and verbal in Russian, C1 level, and English & Latvian, B2 level (interviews are conducted in all mentioned languages according to clients requirements)
- Ability to multi-task, prioritize, and meet timelines on deliverables
- Proficient in Microsoft Office
We offer
- A salary of 1583,- Euros/Gross
- A good health insurance which includes gym and dentistry
- Supportive and fun coworkers (if we do say so ourselves)
- Paid mobile phone bill for personal usage
Agreement: Fixed term for 6 months
Start date: As soon as possible
Working hours: Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 17:30
Location: Raiņa bulvāris 11, Rīga or work from home
Our recruitment process consists of a short phone interview, an interview with Recruitment Supervisor in English language, language check and a background check. Candidates also needs to have clear criminal background check, this will be requested if role will be offered.
Additional information: Veselības apdrošināšana, apmaksāts telefona rēķins
- Rīga, Latvia
- Remote work opportunity
Raiņa bulvāris 11, Rīga, LV-1050
Time of work
- Fixed term
- Full-time
- English
- Latvian
- Russian
Contact person
Marta Jansone, marta.jansone@concentrix.com
Marta Jansone, marta.jansone@concentrix.com
Concentrix Corporation (NASDAQ: CNXC) a global technology and services leader that powers the worlds best brands, today and into the future. Were human-centered, tech-powered, intelligence-fueled. Every day, we design, build, and run fully integrated, end-to-end solutions at speed and scale across the entire enterprise, helping over 2,000 clients solve their toughest business challenges. Whether its designing game-changing brand experiences, building and scaling secure AI technologies, or running digital operations that deliver global consistency with a local touch, we have it covered. At the heart of everything we do lies a commitment to transforming the way companies connect, interact, and grow. Were here to redefine what success means, delivering outcomes unimagined across every major vertical in 70 + markets. Virtually everywhere. Visit concentrix.com to learn more.
Registration number: 40003670522
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